Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Play Report #3

Here’s the news from Greenest! There were mercenaries, cultists and fire! Lots and lots of fire! Unfortunately, some of that fire wasn’t set by only the cultists…


The party decided to depart the secret tunnel and proceed along the river bank. Soon we came upon a group of cultists and mercenaries up to no good! They were in the process of trying to burn down the mill; the very life blood of the entire town. They had to be stopped!

Our cleric decided his efforts were better put to use at the keep caring for the injured (player couldn't make it), so we recruited the bard, Arn to record our efforts. Arn turned out to be useful from the start. We hid some distance from the mill. Throwing his voice and invoking an incantation, Arn was able to create a believable distraction.

Half of the cultists and mercenaries fell for the ruse. They followed the mysterious voice taking them in front of our hiding position. We sprung the trap and attacked the unaware targets! They were quickly dispatched along with two more assailants.

As we attempted to enter the burning mill, more cultists attacked from the loft. Some leapt down in a display of acrobatic prowess, only to be met by our blades and fists. We danced across the battlefield, crashed through windows and let loose fierce magic.

Warryn released a powerful bolt of blue electricity at the chief cultist. The bolt hit with such energy that the cultist was turned instantly to a pile of smoking char. The rest of the cultists were sent running in fear.

The remaining four cultists were taken prisoner and swiftly interrogated. Valuable intel was ascertained after a little persuasion. Three prisoners were passed to the guards…the fourth was left on the mill floor due to not having anything else to say.

After dousing the flames and with renewed vigor, the party departed the mill and deeper into the town. We look forward to see if we can change the tide of the invasion.

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