Monday, February 16, 2015

Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Play Report #2

The first actual play session of our Hoard of the Dragon Queen went well; no one died! There were some casualties, injuries and we’re not out of danger, but everyone is still standing upright. A fun and exciting start to what’s sure to be a great adventure!


We all left Balder’s Gate and started towards the town of Greenest. We each had our own personal reason for heading there, but the travel was made easier as a party. As we neared the town, a horror greeted us. A large blue dragon circled the skies above the town. The beast was letting loose vicious bolts of lightning on each pass of the Keep.

Rushing to assist in the defense of the town, we found it beseeched by packs of Kobolds and cultist. A family passed us, running for their lives, while the mother gave desperate fight against a pack of Kobolds.

Rah’Jen, the barbarian Dragonborn, bristles and barrels head first towards the kobolds. The nimble, elven monk, Raithiel, leaps over the hulking dragonborn to enter the fray first. A pudgy Halfling cleric named Emeril Silverspoonsington moves as fast as his legs can carry him and follows the two attacking warriors with various kitchenware clanging loudly on his pack. Warryn, the wizard gnome, complains about how he would rather be back at Baldur’s gate, but eventually moves close enough to be of some assistance.

Raithiel dispatched the kobold with a swift roundhouse kick, but was swiftly surrounded. Rah’jen let loose a mighty bellow and sprayed an icy cone to freeze Raithiel’s attackers. Warryn sent bolts of fire flying from his fingertips. While in between flinging stones from his sling and panting heavily trying to catch his breath, Emeriel tended to Raithiel’s wounds. The last of the kobolds was sent fleeing, sounding his horn in an obvious attempt to alert reinforcements.

The group gathered the family and headed for the Keep. At the gate of the Keep, the party found another pack of kobolds blocking the entrance.  They were accompanied by a particularly annoying Urd. Rah’Jen created a  diversion, drawing the kobolds and the flying Urd away from the family. This plan worked as intended and the Urd flew directly at Rah’Jen, dropping a large stone on his head.

The family quickly moved around the skirmish and towards safety. Warryn used his knowledge of the arcane to create a slippery grease at the feet of some of the kobolds sending them to their backs. This wasn’t before the Urd dropped another stone on Rah’Jen knocking him unconscious. Lucky for him, Emeriel was close and pleaded to his god, Yondalla, to ease the dragonborn’s wounds. Yondalla gave favor to the Halfling and a healing power leaped from Emeriel’s hands and filled Rah’Jen returning him to consciousness.

The remaining kobolds were quickly finished by Raithien and Warryn including the Urd, who made a tactical error by miscalculating a dive. The party safely made it to the Keep after the family, but the battles left wounds and resources depleted.

Unfortunately, there was not much time to rest. The town was still being pillaged by the invaders and the blue dragon was readying for another pass. The town’s leader, Tarbaw Nighthill, begged the adventurers for assistance. Their mill was burning to the ground. Without it, the town would starve!

Using a long forgotten hidden tunnel, the adventurers headed out of the keep. Long forgotten tunnels have a way of holding all sorts of nastiness. This one was no different and the party meets a swarm of rats.  

The warriors fought desperately by stopping and smacking with little avail. It wasn’t until Emeriel’s quick thinking and personal sacrifice of a beloved cheese wheel did the tide of the battle change. Throwing the wheel into the swarm distracted the hungry rats. This gave Rah’Jen a chance to drop his massive maul squarely on the mound of rats eating the cheese, spraying the walls with rat parts and squished cheese.

The party now ready themselves for the mill and saving the town of certain starvation.

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