Friday, February 13, 2015

Kobold Press Has Taken My Monster!

Monarch of the MonstersI've don't have a new monster this week that I can post. Kobold Press' Monarch of the Monster 5 has been taking up my time. You can still get in on the fun. Create a 5e monster and submit it by 23 Feb.

It's a little disappointing that Kobold is retaining all rights. They promise to pay for anything published, but I'd like to see non-published material released at some point. Don't let that deter you from entering. You can get some nice loot if you win. (Like signed books and such...not to mention a commission!)


  1. They cannot legally retain rights to any produced material that they do not pay for. Nor do I see how a company can 'release' something without simultaneously 'publishing' it.

    1. This was Kobold's answer:

      "submissions to the contest grant the right to publish to Kobold Press (because we’re looking for monsters to be published). All material we publish from the contest will be paid (but not all material will be published, of course). If you wish to retain all rights to your monster, you should NOT submit to this contest."

      I'm not a lawyer, but it sounds like they believe they can hold the submission indefinitely. I suppose someone can hire counsel and go through the particulars with KP's legal dept, but unfortunately I'm not sure my 450 word submission is really worth the effort or resources.

    2. That's very funny. Unfortunately, they can claim this until the clouds rain beer, but copyright law does not work that way. They would lose that court case.
