Saturday, January 24, 2015

Fifth Edition Foes

The Fifth Edition Foes by Necromancer Games seems to have hit the streets in limited quantity. Over at ENWorld, people are saying they are able to download the PDF. The hardcover book is to come out in April. The opinions have been overwhelmingly positive, but these are the people that backed the kickstarter. I would expect only positive response at this point.

The cover promises "5th Edition Rules, 1st Edition Feel", by the initial comments and leaked teasers, this seems to be the definite direction they've taken the book. From what I can gleam from comments, the book seems to be filled with 300 or so 1st Edition Monster Manual and Fiend Folio monsters with some new monsters to boot.

The art is very 1st Edition. Lots of black and white pencil sketches (at least from what I can see from the leaks). Some reports are saying there is good mix of scary and goofy creatures. But, its all entertaining. (again from KS backers)

It's too early for me to do a review. I didn't back the book and don't have the PDF. I will comment on the price. That seemed to a HUGE thing for people when the WotC's 5e Monster Manual was released. This is a third party publisher using a lot of rehashed/reskinned material. It's priced at $45 bucks for the hardcover or $19.99 for the PDF at Frog God Games, significantly higher than the Monster Manual. I wonder how much success (or outrage) that will garner with the public.

edit: Changed the price of the PDF to the correct listed price.


  1. Yeah, the price is part of what held me back from buying this. The other is that I already have all these creatures in multiple editions' stats, from the 1e Fiend Folio to the Pathfinder Tome of Horrors, and several in between. I'm pretty sure I could convert them myself without too much trouble if I feel like using a monster, and the main reason I buy a monster book (inspiration from new monsters I'd never seen before) doesn't apply because I already know all these creatures. So the only reason I'd buy it is convenience at having them ported to the new system, and that has a price limit a little lower than they are currently asking. It'll probably be sale priced at some point in the future though...

    1. I agree. I'm finding 5e pretty easy to use when converting monsters. I don't see myself buying this book at full price. The book will be of interest for some, but it seems to me like Necromancer (Frog God) is just trying to get in on 5e before the market is flooded.
