CHU’MWARG - 5e Jungle Trow Warrior
AC 13
HP 8 (2d6)
Speed : 30’ (Climb: 20’)
STR: 8 DEX: 14 CON: 12 INT:8 WIS: 10 CHA: 8
Skills: Stealth +6
Senses: Low-Light Vision, Passive Perception 12
Saves: DEX +4 CON +3
Damage Resistance: Poison
Language: Mwargian
Challenge: ¼
Equipment: Leather
Armor (small), Blowgun (10 Ammo) (1 piercing), Spear (1d6+1 (4) piercing,
thrown (20/60), Sleeping Death Frog Poison (Injury, Paralyzed (1d4 rounds), CON
DC 10)
Attack: Spear: Melee or Ranged weapon attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) piercing damage
Blowgun; Ranged weapon attack: +3 to hit, range 25/100 ft, loading Hit: 1 piercing (w/o poison), Sleeping Death Frog Poison (Injury, Paralyzed (1d4 rounds immediately), CON DC 10)
Jungle Senses: Chu’Mwarg’s
senses are heightened while in the jungle. They receive an Advantage to Perception
Climbing Expertise: Chu’Mwarg
can climb the slippery jungle trees with Advantage on STR rolls.
Poison Tipped Darts: Each
Chu’Muarg warrior carries a live, small, colorful frog in a pouch. The surface
of the frog’s skin is covered with a paralyzing poison. The warrior can take a
Use an Object action to carefully apply poison to the tip of a blowgun dart,
but the dart must be used immediately after the application or the poison dries
and becomes useless.
The Chu’Mwarg are a small race of primitive humanoids living
in the deepest parts of the jungles. They typically stay in small tribes (10-30
individuals) maintaining a hunter/gatherer, patriarchal society. Most only
reach a height of three feet. They have tanned skin with sparse, thick hair
covering their body. The darker body hair grows in a pattern that gives the
appearance of stripes across the body. The eyes and ears seem to be too large
for the Chu’Mwarg’s head. Eye color can range from pale yellow to bright gold.
Their large mouths contain a set of teeth that are kept sharpened with
occasional filing.
It is believed this race is a combination of goblin and some
sort of gnome due to their height, body structure and hostile nature. They are
believed to have fey background as their connection to the jungle is
undeniable, but that has yet to be verified. The tribes are very territorial
and will attack any intruders. Victorious warriors have been noted to wear the
heads of their enemies tied to their waistbands. The lack of slain bodies leads
some to think cannibalism is practiced, as well.
The tribal society is typically nomadic, following prey
through their jungle territory. A Chu’Mwarg village is comprised of quickly
built structures of branches and large leaves surrounding a cooking fire.
Villages rarely last more than a few day prior to the tribe moving to a new
location. A Chu’Mwarg tribe consists of
males who do most of the hunting and warring. Most of the females are the
caregivers and seem to have a rudimentary understanding of nature magic. The
tribe is led by the strongest Chu’Mwarg which is typically a male, but a female
may take control if her magic is strong.
They prefer to ambush their prey with hunting packs of 4 or
greater hiding in the tree canopy or underbrush of the jungle. Using their
poison tipped darts, they incapacitate a target before attacking with their
spears. A Chu’Mwarg hunting party will track and fight intruders to the death.
They may scatter into the jungle, if the enemy is too strong, but they will do
everything possible to not be taken alive. If they are captured, they quickly
slip into a submissive, catatonic state. If they are removed from the jungle,
they will die in 1d4 days.
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