Friday, February 20, 2015

Monster: Cher'fer

Large monstrosity, neutral

Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 75 (10d10+25)
Speed 30ft; Swim 30 ft; Burrow 10ft (earth)
STR           DEX          CON         INT           WIS          CHA
18 (+4)    16(+3)     15 (+2)    4(-3)        10(0)        9(-1)

Damage Resistance: bludgeoning, piercing and slashing
Immunities: Fire
Condition Immunities: Blind, prone
Senses: Tremorsense (60ft), passive perception 13
Challenge 7 (2900xp)

Monday, February 16, 2015

Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Play Report #2

The first actual play session of our Hoard of the Dragon Queen went well; no one died! There were some casualties, injuries and we’re not out of danger, but everyone is still standing upright. A fun and exciting start to what’s sure to be a great adventure!


Magic Item: Bone Ward

File:PSM V17 D742 Australian native with bone nose ornament.jpgBone Ward

This six inch, human femur bone is sharpened to points on the ends and covered with etchings of primitive designs. When the septum of the nose is pierced with the Bone Ward, a level of protection from jungle diseases is provided.

The procedure causes 1d4 piercing damage. It provides a +2 for all saves against diseases and natural poisons, as long as the Bone Ward is worn. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Kobold Press Has Taken My Monster!

Monarch of the MonstersI've don't have a new monster this week that I can post. Kobold Press' Monarch of the Monster 5 has been taking up my time. You can still get in on the fun. Create a 5e monster and submit it by 23 Feb.

It's a little disappointing that Kobold is retaining all rights. They promise to pay for anything published, but I'd like to see non-published material released at some point. Don't let that deter you from entering. You can get some nice loot if you win. (Like signed books and such...not to mention a commission!)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

River Encounter Generator, Part 2

This is part two of my jungle river generator. This can be used with the river section table or on its own.  It's a simple random encounter table that uses creatures mostly found in the 5e Monster Manual, a few of my own creations that can be found in my blog (follow the links) and a few extras.

Roll 2d20 at least once per day for random encounters or whenever you think the party needs some excitement. Many encounters are not meant for the players to engage.  Some may be too strong for the party and are intended to be avoided. Luckily a number of river sections provide enough room to go around the monster (like a lake where a hydra has made home on one of its far banks…enticing, but probably safer just taking the long way around the other side of the lake). A few monsters will be on a bank just watching the party (a congress of baboons in the trees). As long as the party is in a part of the river that is wide enough or doesn't try to land near these monsters, then they’ll typically pass safely. A lot of monsters swarm as a survival tactic. Some have evolved unique characteristics to increase their chances in the dangerous jungle.

If a party attempts to fight on vessels that hold less than three people (like a rowboat), then attacks gain disadvantage due to the instability of the vessel. If a player or creature is hit on small vessels, they must make a save to stay in the boat (DEX DC 12).

Not all rolls will result in a creature appropriate for the section of the river. Treat these rolls as a no encounter or roll again, if it’s been too quiet. Don’t forget to give a good description of the surrounding bank, some creatures are protecting their lairs or territories and some are trying to lure prey to the shore.

2 – 1d4 Cockatrice (p. 42) – attacks from the air; found in open sections of the river

3 – Displacer Beast (p. 81) – seen along the bank; 2d4 per day chance it will follow the boats

4 – Plesiosaurus (p. 80) – found in deep water, like a lake or middle of a large river

5 – 1d4 Dryads (p. 121) – protecting exceptionally large trees on the bank; sometimes protecting an entire island in a braided section or an overgrown section may be a protected tree

6 – Ettercap (p. 131) – the surrounding trees become covered in thick spider webs that is the nest of the ettercap; if this creature is found in an overgrown or underground section of the river, the party may be forced to engage the creature.

7 – Stone Golem (p. 170) – single statue is seen standing near the bank with vines and moss growing on it; the ruins of a temple surround the golem; should only be approached with caution

8 – Green Hag (p.177) – a hag’s lair may be seen on the bank or it may be hidden in the shadows; she may attempt to lure the party deep into the jungle before attacking

9-10 – Something large moves through the jungle; trees shake and breaking branches can be heard, but no one can see what’s causing the activity

11 – Hydra (p. 190) – this is a very powerful creature and should only be attempted by experienced or foolhardy parties; enough room should be given to allow the party to go around, if desired.

12 – 4 to 10 Lizardfolk (p. 204) – one of the humanoid tribes of the jungle; they’ll attack with their javelins from the bank or attempt to lure the party to the shore

13 – 5 to 10 Stirge (p. 284) – living in the shadows of the canopy or a large, hollow trunk, these creatures will attack the party as they pass

14 – Water Weird (p. 299) – this elemental is a remnant from a wizard that has been lost to time; the creature is in a pool and protects a ruined tower

15 – Awakened Tree (p. 317) – the fey touched tree sits still until prey gets close enough to attack; its branches may reach over the river

16-17 – 10 Baboons (p. 318) – the troop sits in the trees watching the party pass; if the party lands the boat close to the troop, they may attack; poop throwing is optional

18-19 – Crocodile (p. 320) – a common creature found along the banks or in the water of calmer waters; sometimes groups of crocodiles will be found

20 – 4 to 8 Flying Snakes (p. 322) – groups of flying snakes will launch themselves across rivers to attack passing prey

21-22 – Giant Constrictor Snake (p. 324) – a giant snake can be seen hanging in a tree; if this creature is encountered in an over grown area, avoiding the snake may be impossible

23-24 – Giant Frog (p. 325) – found sitting in the shadows or muddy areas along the banks; may take to the water, if provoked

25-26 – Giant Wolf Spider (p. 330) – hides in burrows along the bank; will ambush if the party lands their boat on a bank near the burrow

27-28 – Drums are heard in the distance. There source or purpose are unknown.

29-30 – Swarm of Bats (p. 337) – found in nearly every area of the river living inside trunks of large trees, but will usually only emerge during late dusk; the exception is swarms found in caves.

31-32 – Swarm of Poisonous Snakes (p. 338) – large nest of poisonous snakes can be found living in the low hanging branches of trees or exposed roots at the base of large trees

33 – Swarm of Quippers (p. 338) 1 in 4 chance they are flying; they may not be noticed unless something enters the water (Flying Quippers)

34 – Panther  (p. 333) – prowls the banks and may follow the party for sometime; tracking the group until the land their boat

35 – Band of Chu’Mwarg (4 to 10) – small headhunters of the jungles; they will track the party until they can attack

36 – Crazed Jungle Druid (p. 346) – watches from the shadows; may attack if the party notices the druid or attempts to land on the bank.

37-40 – Oddly quiet; the jungle seems to be still, almost as if it’s watching and waiting.

Monday, February 9, 2015

River Encounter Generator, Part 1

This is the first of two tables for a river encounter generator. It is tailored for a jungle environment, but can be easily modified for forest. Once the series is complete, you will be able to easily create a quick river encounter for a 5e adventure. 

River Encounter:
These tables are intended to assist in creating a jungle river environment. Players will need to obtain a vessel; either a keelboat that will require a captain (a player with the sailor background or proficiency in vessels (water) or hire a captain; a minimum of four crew will be needed for larger keelboats which can be manned by the party or hired) or a suitably sized rowboat(s). The stats for these boats are outlined in the DMG (p. 119), but they can be reskinned for whatever appropriate setting.

Distance between shores is typically 25-75 yards across, but can be wider or narrower. The exceptions are lake, overgrown and braided sections. The banks are thick with jungle undergrowth and heavily shadowed by the dense canopy, not to mention the occasional ancient ruins overgrown with vegetation.

River Section:
Roll a 1d12 once per day (unless otherwise noted or needed) to determine what part of the river the party will attempt. Skill checks are needed to navigate the vessel successfully. Its assumed that all passengers have a rudimentary idea of how to navigate the vessel. Proficiency with water vessels is ideal, but a successful DEX or INT check may be enough (although, the DM may want to apply a disadvantage if the player attempting the roll doesn't have the proficiency in the skill) If the section takes more than one day to complete, reroll the applicable skill check.

1 – Rapids: (Speed: 8-10 MPH) The waters thrash around and over a rocky riverbed. This is a very dangerous section of the river. Only the most skilled sailors should attempt to navigate this section of the river. (DEX DC20 or Proficiency Vessel (water) DC 17, 4d10 Damage on failed skill check, automatic full damage if the skill roll is 1; full attention must be given to navigating a rapids, anyone attempting to navigate can do nothing else, if no one navigates the boat automatically hits a rock for damage; if someone who is not navigating attempts an action, they incur a disadvantage due to violent nature of the situation)

2-3 – Calm, but fast moving current with high banks: (Speed: 6 MPH) This section of the river move smoothly, but fast. Very little effort is needed to move the boat downstream, some skill is required to keep the boat facing in the right direction. Landing the boat is difficult due to fast current and the high banks. (DEX DC15 or Proficiency Vessel (water) DC12 to keep straight or land on a low part of the bank; if the vessel begins to spin in the current, then any action taken receives a disadvantage;  if landing is attempted and skill check fails then 2d10 damage for hitting the bank)

3-4 – Overgrown, tight channel: (Speed: 1 MPH) This area is shallow and thick with the encroaching jungle. Polling, careful paddling or even walking the boat through the shallowest areas may be the only way to navigate. Masts need to be lowered to clear the jungle canopy that reaches over the river. There are no close banks as the water reaches through the jungle in what may be a flood plain or wetland, although the jungle is usually too thick navigate outside of the main river. (STR DC 10 if walking the boat is attempted)

5 – Lake: (Speed: 3-4 MPH with sails) or (2 MPH with oars and rested crew) The river opens into a large body of water. It is typically deeper in the middle compared to the shore. A slight current continues between the two mouths of the river (or predominate mouths, if there are more than two). Strong weather can make the lake treacherous. (DEX DC 8 or Proficiency Vessel (water) DC 5 to navigate by rowing, INT DC 10 to navigate by sail or Proficiency Vessel (water) DC 7; if skill check fails by more than five, no distance made; if less than five, half of the distance)

5-9 – Windless, slow moving current with meandering channel: (Speed: 3MPH with oars) The river moves slowly around large bends and turns. The jungle lines the banks which slope gently and are easy to land the vessel. The wind is blocked by the thick jungle and sails can’t be used. (DEX DC 8 or Proficiency Vessel (water) DC 5 to navigate by rowing; if skill check fails, the vessel makes only 1 MPH and spins slowly in the current)

10 – Waterfall: The water falls over a severely sloped rocky outcrop. Navigation is impossible. The vessel will need portage around the obstacle. This could be an intensive maneuver requiring more than one day to complete depending on the size of the vessel. The waterfall is not so high that the portage around is suppose to be impossible. If the vessel attempts to go over the falls, the boat is automatically destroyed and any contents (characters, gear or otherwise) are swept downstream or destroyed.

11 – Underground: (Speed: 5 MPH) The river meets a large cliff face. The current increases as the water is forced into the mouth of a cave. The vessel is swept into the cave. The cave turns and twists disorienting the crew. All natural light is quickly lost. Unless the crew has some way of seeing in the dark, navigation is impossible and the vessel is at the mercy of the current until they exit the tunnel. (DEX DC 13 or Proficiency Vessel (water) DC 10 to keep straight or land on a dry area of the cave; if landing is attempted and the check fails, then 2d10 damage; if no one attempts to navigate (by lighting a torch, darkvision or magic to see) and the boat is left to the current, the vessel has a 75% chance of hitting the side of the cave and receiving 2d10 damage)

12 – Braided: (Speed: 3 MPH with oar or 4 MPH with sail) The river splits into many smaller canals that wind back to each other or wander away from the main river. The water moves around long, thin islands and hammocks. The distance between shores is greatly reduced. It is difficult to determine between the main river bank and islands. Once the crew decides on which canal to take, a reroll of environments may be appropriate.  The DM will decide whether or not the crew’s choice of canals leads to the intended destination, back to the original river or somewhere completely new.  (DEX DC 8 or Proficiency Vessel (water) DC 5 to navigate by rowing; DC 10 (or DC 7 with proficiency) to navigate by sails (if there is wind);  if skill check fails, the vessel makes only 1 MPH and spins in the current)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Local Gaming Store and Mutual Support

Is it ever okay not to support your local gaming store?

There's strong grassroots opinions to support your friendly, local, game store (FLGS). I agree that its great to have a local store for your hobby; somewhere to congregate with like minded individuals and peruse the latest and older products. These stores should be supported, otherwise we'll lose them.

But, what happens if the store doesn't support you? Or at least doesn't support you enough?

A little background, I recently moved to a new town with the one and only FLGS is right down the road. I was thrilled to finally have a store that wasn't an hour drive away. I quickly came to realize this store was not interested in supporting RPGs.

When I say "not interested" I specifically mean, he's not running games in store. I never even got a chance to offer to run the games. The idea seems to be a non-starter. Magic and Warhammer are no problem, but table top RPGs don't make enough money...end of discussion.

I hear what he's saying. The big money is in cards and miniatures. He does maintain a modest selection of RPG products, about a shelf worth of books, some minis and dice. No problem ordering anything I want, as well. But, we're not going to take an evening to try and bring RPG players (new and old) into the store.

It's his store, he can promote what he wants.

I want to support local stores, but I don't feel particularly drawn to going down the street and entering his brick-and-mortar to just order something, when I could just order it from an online store that a lot of times is just as much of a small business as the FLGS and much more interested in supporting my interests.

Should I feel guilty for not supporting my local FLGS that doesn't directly support my hobby?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Poisoned vs. Nauseated

I had a discussion over at a few of the Google+ groups this weekend. It concerned the lack of Nauseated in the 5e conditions rules. Presently, if you have a character that might be nauseated you do a CON save. If they fail, they get the Poisoned condition.

I have a couple issues with using Poisoned.

  •  It’s not very fun to play. All Poisoned does is apply a Disadvantage to the character. That’s it? You roll twice while puking your guts out. We can do better than that, right?
  •  A character becoming nauseated is not clearly explained in the rules. The only RAW concerning nauseated is a round-about mention in the Troglodyte’s Stench ability or the Stinking Cloud spell. Stench doesn't come out and say nausea, it’s just implied that you smell something bad and roll for Poisoned. Stinking Cloud does say nauseated, but the results are different than Poisoned.
  • I simply don’t like using Poisoned for Nausea. Prior editions didn’t use it. They used Nausea.  For some reason they changed it for 5e. You can be nauseated due to poisoning, but you can’t be poisoned because of nausea. It doesn’t make sense to me.

I think nausea should be in a lot more adventures. There’s a lot of reasons heroes and adventurers might become nauseated, from dropping into a fetid sewer, seeing rotted corpses or eating bad food just to name a few. It should be a condition that creates a significant enough obstacle that the player needs to deal with before moving on, not just an increase to failure chances.

Here’s an idea for a house rule to deal with the Nauseated condition, I think it’s a little closer to the how a player would react if she was overcome with nausea.

-  Apply three levels of exhaustion while being affected or around the cause of the nausea
-  Unable to consume enough food and drink to complete a long rest
-  a level of exhaustion per day+CON mod is obtained while nauseated

Tell me what you think!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Monster Monday! The Jungle Sludge

Jungle Sludge

Large Ooze; Unaligned
Armor Class 8
Hit Points 42 (6d10+12)
Speed 10ft, climb 10ft

STR                    DEX                    CON                    INT                      WIS                     CHA
15(+2)               6(-2)                  14(+2)                2(-4)                  6(-2)                   1(-5)

Skills Stealth +2
Damage Resistance lightning, slashing
Damage Immunities Fire, acid
Condition Immunities Poisoned, blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone
Senses blindsight 60ft (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 8
Challenge 2 (450 hp)

Amorphous – The sludge can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Spider Climb – The sludge can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on branches, without needing to make an ability check.
Camouflage – The sludge can collect fallen material from the ground and coat itself to appear like a pile of debris. The sludge gains an advantage at stealth when it stays still while camouflaged.  An observant adventure may notice the surrounding area of the pile clean of any leaves or branches.

Pseudopod – Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit: 9 (2d6+2) bludgeoning damage plus 3 (1d6) acid damage.
Sticky – When the sludge is hit by a melee weapon, it can use its reaction to attempt to hold the weapon with a sticky substance that covers its body. The creature must make a DEX DC 12 save or become grappled (or must let go of the weapon). The sludge has advantage on attacks against the creature. The stuck creature receives 3 (1d6) acid damage while a body part is in the sludge.

This type of ooze lives under thick jungle canopies, where it is heavily shaded and the ground is covered in fallen leaves and branches. The Jungle Sludge has evolved a sticky, outer layer that is used to gather this deadfall and cover its body. Using this camouflage to disguise itself to resemble a pile of leaves, the sludge waits for prey to pass.